Sunday, November 25, 2012

Welcome back!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, and enjoyed time with your families. I certainly had a nice, quiet day at home - my husband is the chef! I am so excited to come back to a full four weeks of learning - we have so much to do! We are starting a new unit on nonfiction reading, a unit on fiction writing, cursive writing, multiplication facts, and continuing our math unit on addition and subtraction of larger numbers. We are also starting our science unit on rocks! Wow, we have a lot to do in 20 school days. Here we go!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Classroom Rules

Rules: 1. Listen and follow directions. 2. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat. 3. Keep your hands and feet to yourself. 4. Respect your classmates and your teacher. Consequences: 1st time a rule is broken: Warning 2nd time a rule is broken: Time-Out (Peace Table, Write Reflection) 3rd time a rule is broken: Letter or Call Home

Tip for Adding and Subtracting with Money

Page 23 in the Math FOlder tonight has to do with adding and subtracting quantities of money, either in pennies or dollars and cents. A strategy that can be used is to turn all of the money quantities into pennies, and then into a three-digit-number. For example: Mrs. Pompei has $3.42 and she wants to add that to Rohin's 231 pennies. Think about $3.42 being 342 pennies (since it is!), and now add that to 231. 342 + 231 = 573. 573 pennies, which equals $5.73.

Homework, 11/14/12

Tonight's homework is page 22 and 23 (finishing these from class today) and a MCAS practice packet (three questions). We started all of these in class today, but unable to finish all of the activities.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Walking Field Trip, 11/9/12

I sent home a permission slip for a walking field trip that will take place this Friday, November 9, 12:30-2:30. Ted Watt from The Hitchcock Center will be leading us on a nature walk to the Mill River. Your child worked with Ted last year - he is amazing! I am so excited for this trip; it is one of three with Ted.

Homework, 11/5/12

Tonight's homework (due Wednesday) is page 9 in the purple math folder AND a MCAS practice sheet that is in your child's homework folder. These are actual questions pulled from previous MCAS tests. See you Wednesday!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Words Their Way - Back on!

We had a break from our word work last week, and now we are back on. I am attaching images of the word lists, in case you need an extra copy.