Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Homework, 1/30/13

We are starting our unit on multiplication and division and thinking about things that come in equal groups - such as 4 legs on a dog, 12 eggs in a dozen. Homework tonight is page 2. Students will think about things that coime in groups of 2 to 12. 7 and 11 are challenging!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Dance Showcase

Wednesday, January 30, at 1:15, our third grade (along with the fourth and fifth grade) will present all the work they have put into interpreting the Dreams Poem series by poet Langston Hughes. We hope you can make it - the presentation will be in the cafeteria.

Homework, Jan. 28

Homework tonight is page 48 in your math folder - finding quadrilaterals at home - good luck!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Leopard Landscape Design

Today, each student was the head of Leopard Landscape Design and practiced area and perimeter by designing gardens and fences for a pretend client. This discussion will also lead to multiplication facts, factors and arrays!

Sedimentary Rocks

Today, we made our very own sedimentary rocks! We gathered rocks, dirt, sticks, leaves and other sediments from outside, placed them in a mason jar, added epsom salt and water, shook it all together, and waited ... and waited, which is of course, what happens in nature. Students will take their rock home tomorrow after it has hardened completely.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Homework, 1/8/13

Tonight's homework is page 29 and 30 in the math folder. Also, students should have their new words packet for the week.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Words Their Way

The words for this week will be coming home tomorrow, Tuesday. Thanks!

Welcome Back - Homework, 1/7/13

Hello families! Well, I know what my New Year's resolution will be this year - blog more!! I am so sorry I have neglected this blog - my goal is to make it more exciting and student-centered. Homework tonight is page 31 and 32 in the math folder. We are continuing our studies of perimeter and area. We will attempt to finish this unit by next Friday, January 18, then begin our next unit on multiplication and division!