Monday, April 8, 2013

Catch Up

Ahhh, my poor neglected blog, I am so sorry! I am vowing to blog daily to update you with class activities and assignments. This week, we are focusing on finishing up our Color Poems Poetry Booklets, which should be coming home with your child when they are finished. I would love to have them back for the Poetry Cafe night April 30, to display for guests. In addition to the color poems, students are compiling the poems they want to publish in the classroom poetry book and choosing which ones they would like to read at Poetry Cafe.

We are also working very hard on fractions and MCAS review in math workshop.

We are discussing themes and historical time periods in our Historical Fiction Unit in Reading Workshop. We just finished reading "Bud, Not Buddy," and we are now reading "Number the Stars."

Community Meeting is this week, and next week is Spring Vacation!

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