Saturday, September 29, 2012

Optical Illusions

We spent some time yesterday looking at optical illusions. I was inspired to share some of these with the students because of the topic of my class Thursday night at AIC. I am taking a class about learning disabilities, and we watched a video by Rick Lavoie called F.A.T. City (frustration, anxiety and tension). The video is from 1989, and is quite dated, but if you get a chance to check it out of the library, it is mind-changing. One of the activities Rick did with a group of teachers is to show them the following picture, and have them identify it. Not one of them could! His point was that we need direct instruction - otherwise, the picture is a jumbled mess. And once you receive the direct instruction (i.e., once he told them what the picture was) they understood completely. Your child knows what the picture is - take a look at it, then ask them!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Scholastic Book Orders

You may access all of the Scholastic book order catalogs online - and place orders from there as well! It is so convenient, and every time a parent places an order on line, the classroom earns points and free books. Check it out - let me know what you think. Here is the link - our class' access code is JHVRW.

Optical Illusions

Today, we explored optical illusions on our smartboard. Here is the link: Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Homework, 9/26/12

Hello families, Homework for tonight is a worksheet about Jacob and his shopping spree at Sticker Station. It should be in the front pocket of your child's purple folder. The homework is a preview of a portion of the end-of-unit math assessment, which is Friday. The assessment will also cover 2-digit plus 2-digit, and solving problems using cards from Close to 100.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Reading Research

Ms. Wood and I are attending American International College to obtain our CAGS (Certificate of Advanced Studies) and to become certified Reading Specialists. It is a fascinating program, and I will periodically share research or ideas with you that I learned about in class. This is some very interesting research from Richard Allington, a professor of reading education at the University of Tennessee.

-Students who are already reading on grade level need to read just-right texts for two hours a day simply to maintain grade level.

-Students who are reading below grade level need an additional 30 minutes a day of just-right reading to increase their reading by one year. So if they are two years below grade level, they need to increase their just-right reading by one hour a day.

In class, we are determining your child's just-right reading level by administering the BAS test, which will assign a reading letter level to your child. Then it is all about creating a time each day for us to read at least 30 minutes with that perfect fit text.

Show Me A Story

I took my four-year-old daughter to the Eric Carle Museum this weekend. I had never been, and it was amazing. It is such a wealth of art tied in with storytelling, which was the perfect tie in with what was happening in the art studio. Local author Emily K. Neuberger was there with her new book called "Show Me a Story," which details 40 craft projects and activities to spark children's storytelling. This book could not be more perfect for me as a mom and teacher! I am so excited to share these ideas in the classroom. I think they will really spark those "seed" stories we have been working on as we dive into our personal narrative unit.

Homework, 9/24/12

Homework for tonight is to begin working on the assigned word sorts, practicing the spelling patterns. Also, review the math addition facts assessment with your child. If your child needs to work on a few, please have him or him fill out page 53 in the purple math folder. Have a wonderful day off tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Open House

I am looking forward to seeing you all at Open House tomorrow night! I will be seeing you anytime between 6:30 and 8. Your child has lots to show you!

Homework, 9/18/12

Homework for tonight is page 40 in the purple math folders. Also, a copy of your child's math assessment from today went home in his or her homework folder. That is yours to keep - I keep a copy for me.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Homework, 9/17/12

Homework tonight: 1. Page 34 in your purple math folder. 2. Catching up on unfinished math pages in purple folder. The following pages should be complete (starting from the first day): 1-7, 9-18, 20, 22, 23, 27-30. 3. Words Their Way - an individualized packet came home today. Please have your child show you how we sorted in class today. Your child does not need to return this packet. 4. There will be a short math assessment tomorrow. The skills to be covered are: adding two digit numbers, then finding the difference between that answer and 100. For example, students will add 45 + 34 (79), then using a number line, show the difference between 79 and 100 (21). Question 3 on page 23 in the purple math folder is an example.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Homework, 9/13/12

Hello families, I am so sorry for any confusion my absences have caused your students. If your child did bring home their purple math folder tonight, please just have them review with you the pages they worked on today (20, 22, 23 and 27). Tomorrow, I will introduce the game Capture 5. No math homework over the weekend. I will keep their purple folders at school to correct them. I am looking forward to seeing you all at the Leeds Picnic tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Homework, Wednesday, 9/12/12

There is no homework tonight. Students worked on a third grade math pre-test today, so we did not have a lesson in the purple math folder. Lessons will resume tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Homework, Tuesday, 9/11/12

Homework for tonight is Page 18. Today in class, students worked on pages 14 and 17. We also started pages 15 and 16. If 15 and 16 are not finished, that is OK - I would like to review those in a class lesson. Please make sure your child has completed up to and including page 18 (but again, if 15 and 16 are not complete, that is fine).


Hello families of third grade students! What a great start to the year we have had so far. In our first week together, we have been spending lots of time establishing routines, building a sense of community and having lots of fun. I hope to see all of you at the Leeds Picnic on Friday afternoon. Yum! Your student has been bringing home his or her purple math folder nightly to complete homework and review his or her class work with you. I hope this system is beneficial to you, as I think it allows parents to get an inside look at the Math Investigations curriculum we use at Leeds. I will also do some review of the math program at Open House next week. Students also bring home a separate homework folder with announcements or notices. Feel free to contact me at :)