Monday, September 17, 2012

Homework, 9/17/12

Homework tonight: 1. Page 34 in your purple math folder. 2. Catching up on unfinished math pages in purple folder. The following pages should be complete (starting from the first day): 1-7, 9-18, 20, 22, 23, 27-30. 3. Words Their Way - an individualized packet came home today. Please have your child show you how we sorted in class today. Your child does not need to return this packet. 4. There will be a short math assessment tomorrow. The skills to be covered are: adding two digit numbers, then finding the difference between that answer and 100. For example, students will add 45 + 34 (79), then using a number line, show the difference between 79 and 100 (21). Question 3 on page 23 in the purple math folder is an example.

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